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Friday 12 January 2018

Weekly Reflection 6


WEEK 6 (08/01/2018 - 12/01/2018)

                    And at last the time has reached... Yes! This is the time for bidding farewell to my dear students...
                    We, the BEd trainees has successfully completed our teaching practice and this was the last week of our Teaching practice in the 4th semester and the BEd course itself. We are returning to our college after the great 6 weeks of teaching in Mount Tabor Girls High School, Pathanapuram. 
                     In this week I completed the remaining 2 lesson plans to hit my target of 30 lesson plans of the semester. After the completion of 30 lesson plans, I spend time in clearing the doubts of students and solving some more problems in the portions taught after Christmas exam. I also conducted a test paper. As the portion given for the test is small the students prepared well for it and scored good marks.
                   On the last day I wished my students all success in their future life and they also wished me the same. It is really hard to bid farewell to my students as they have influenced me deeply. There has arisen a deep affection between me and my students within this short period of time. On the last day we distributed sweets to our students as a token of love. Also we arranged a meeting for the teaching and non-teaching staffs of the school as a part of our farewell. The principal of the school bid farewell to us and wished all success in our career.
                    This teaching practice really gifted me a handful of experiences that absolutely supplements my teaching profession. Now teaching has become my passion too. I gain some level of confidence in teaching. The familiar saying "Practice makes Perfect"  has become true in my case.

                        Teaching is the most noblest of all professions second only to priesthood. Teacher is the light of the world who takes the young minds from darkness to light, from falsehood to truth and from ugliness to beauty. A good teacher should always be a good living model who would confidently says "Do as I Do" rather than "Do as I Say".
"But a temple built by a teacher
Can never decay
It was human life that was built here
To last through eternity"

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