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Sunday 31 December 2017

Friday 8 December 2017

Weekly Reflection 4


WEEK 4 (04/12/2017 - 08/12/2017)

                               This was the last week of our teaching practice before Christmas exam and Christmas vacation. There were only 4 working days in this week. Monday was a holiday for the school. A medical camp was organised by the NSS Unit of the school on behalf of DDRC. Some of our BEd trainees also utilized the chance of testing of thyroid.
                    I was able to complete 6 lesson plans this week and thus made a total of 24 lesson plans. I was also able to give my students a remedial teaching based on the diagnostic test that I have conducted. In this week I took two of my classes based on the models of teaching, namely ICT Based Model and Inquiry Training Model. By this week I have completed all the portions needed for the Christmas exam. Thus I have finished two chapters namely "CONSTRUCTION OF QUADRILATERALS" and "RATIO".
                   I was able to complete my peer observations. On Tuesday I observed the class of Ansu Anna Thomas of Mathematics option during the 2nd period. Her class is 9.E. She dealt with the topic "Polynomial Operations". She used activity cards as teaching aid. On Thursday I got a chance to observe the class of Stiny Raju of Physical Science option during the 3rd period in 8.A. She dealt with the topic "Heat capacity of water". She caught the attention of the students by showing them a video based on the topic. On the same day itself I went to observe the class of Priyanka V of Mathematics option who was engaging the class 8.G during the 7th period. All the peer observations gifted me good experiences to improve myself as a teacher.
                   I conducted an achievement test based on the chapters "Construction of Quadrilaterals" and "Ratio". I think the test surely supplements the preparation of students for their exam.                                       Frankly speaking, this was really a busy week for me, as I had to complete quite a lot of portions for the Christmas exam. Thank God, I was able to finish them and make my students ready for the exam.





Friday 1 December 2017

Weekly Reflection 3


WEEK 3 (27/11/2017 - 01/12/2017)

                       In the third week of the teaching practice there were only four working days and also there were no classes in the afternoon session on Thursday. Friday, 1st of December was a public holiday as declared by the government.
                        As the sub-district level youth festival was going on and the teachers had to accompany those students participating in different items we,the B.Ed trainees got many classes to engage. In this week I got about 9 periods in my own class alone😢 and so I was able to finish the chapter I started with and stepped on to the next chapter, RATIO. I tried my maximum not to make my students felt my classes boring and so I used various teaching aids and often switched my teaching styles. I have finished 18 lesson plans in all by this week.
                        On Monday, 27th of the November Dr. Tharamma George,our Mathematics option teacher observed my class during the 2nd period. I felt happy that she said good words about my teaching and gave valuable suggestions for further improvements. On the same day I got a substitution class in 7 G during the last period.
                        In this week we went to observe the classes of our peers as a part of Peer Review and I observed the classes of the teacher trainees Sanju Sara John of English option (on Monday 7th period), Soniya Thankachan (on Tuesday 7th period ) Resmi Rajan (on Tuesday 4th period), Litty Mathew (on Thursday 1st period) and Ashly Baby (on Thursday 2nd period). The last four belong to Mathematics option. Many of my peers had observed my classes as well and gave me good comments on my teaching.
                        On Wednesday, 29th of November I conducted a diagnostic test based on the topic "TRAPEZIUMS".
                        In this week there were not much general activities taken place in the school. The students of the school participated in the sub-district level youth festival held at Punalur and achieved many first A grades. Some of the students of my class were also the part of the Margamkali team and they secured second B grade in the item.πŸ‘πŸ‘
                        Moving on to the fourth week, the last week left for the B.Ed trainees before leaving the school due to the commencement of Christmas exam and vacation thereafter. Waiting for yet another week of handful experiences...😊😊😊

Friday 24 November 2017

Weekly Reflection 2

Teaching Practice Weekly Report

Week 2 (20/11/2017 - 24/11/2017)

This was the second week of our teaching practice. As I hoped things went well in this week. In this week I got 6 periods in my class. I was able to complete the section "Construction of Parallelograms" and have started the next section "Construction of Trapeziums' of the chapter "Construction of Quadrilaterals" which has given me to teach. One more section is there in the chapter to get finished. I used paper cutouts of parallelograms and trapeziums, charts depicting the steps of construction and activity cards as teaching aids.
                    On Tuesday, 21st of November we had no teaching practice as we had to be a part of
'H G Job Mar Philexinos Memorial Inter Collegiate Choir Competition, KENORO 2017' hosted by our Mount Tabor Training College. On Wednesday, 22nd of November I got two periods(4th and 7th periods) in my class.
                    On Thursday, 23rd of November there was a school assembly especially for applausing and well-wishing the students who have been selected to participate in the State Level Science Fair. On that occasion Keziyah Mariyam John of class 7 delivered a short speech on the importance of education. As a part of the peer review I observed the class of Nimmy.C.James of Mathematics option. She had a good interaction with students and managed her class well right from the beginning till the end. She dealt with the topic "Construction of Parallelograms" in class 7 D. She used activity cards as teaching aid.
                    On Friday, 24th of November in addition to my assigned period (2nd period) I got an extra period (7th period) in my class so that I was able to complete my 9th and 10th lesson plans on that day. During the 4th period I got a substitution class in 6 E. They were a group of energetic students. It was really a bit of fruitful moments to interact with the little ones. During the 5th period, I observed the class of Bincy John of Mathematics option. She took her class through power point presentation. The topic dealt was "Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials". Another exciting moment of the day was the unexpected opportunity reached us to serve the midday meal for the students. With great pleasure most of the BEd trainees served the food. In the role of a teacher, it was a wonderful experience for me.

                     Experienced good moments...😊😊 Hoping for another colourful week with varied experiences...πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Friday 17 November 2017

Weekly Reflection 1


Week-1 (13/11/2017 - 17/11/2017)

                       The teaching practice of our fourth semester began on 13th November 2017. I have selected Mount Tabor Girls High School for the teaching practice. I got Class 8.A and my concerned teacher is Mrs. Molphy George, who is very supportive. At times she gives me necessary guidelines to tackle with my students. There are 30 students in my class. According to the class timetable the hours assigned to me are as follows:
                                    Monday      - 2nd period
                                    Tuesday      - 6th period
                                    Wednesday - 4th period
                                    Thursday    - 6th period
                                    Friday         - 2nd period
                        I used to reach the school by 9:15 a.m. and the school authorities arranged a room for us to sit. The portion that I have to deal with is from the section headed "PARALLELOGRAMS" in the Chapter-6 (Construction of Quadrilaterals) of the Mathematics textbook. My concerned teacher is ready to help me whenever I need. On the first day, after creating a good rapport with my students I started with one of the methods of construction of rhombuses. I took the classes with different teaching aids. I was able to complete five lesson plans this week. I tried to overcome the limitations I faced in one class by preparing well for the next classes.
                        Apart from my class, I got a substitution class in std 7.G.,on Friday, 17th of November. I spend time by giving the students various puzzles to solve. Children engaged in solving the puzzles with great interest. It was a good week for me.

                         Children's day was celebrated in the school with a special assembly in the morning. Students themselves organised the assembly. Children's day message was delivered by Sneha Thomas of std 5.B. and it was really soothing to ears. On the same day at noon there was a drawing competition on the theme "Nature" held on behalf of the ICICI Bank.


                        Another event of the week was the inauguration of the District Level Cashew Sapling Distribution which was held on 16th of November during the morning assembly. Only classes 7, 8 and 9 took part in the assembly. The school manager Very. Rev. C. O. Joseph Remban was present on the occasion.

                         Things went well in this week... Eagerly waiting for the next week.. Hoping for a better week...😊😊                         

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Children's Day>>>

Childhood means Fun unlimited...

Bounteous shower...

of Love & Care...

Realm of Imagination...

Joy of Growing up...

                                 India celebrates Children’s Day on November 14 marking the birthday of Jawaharlal Nehru, our first Prime Minister. He was born on November 14, 1889. The day is also widely known as Bal Diwas in Hindi. Pandit Nehru popularly known as Chacha Nehru among children was known for his love and affection for kids. He worked really hard for the well-being of children. Schools and colleges across the country celebrate the day with much pomp and fervor. Educational institutions organize cultural events, extra-curricular activities, and other fun-filled programs on this day.
                                Childhood is always filled with lot of memories including growing up, fight between siblings, school, friends, crushes,and lot of memories to add on.
                                 There are only two lasting gifts we should give our children; one is "ROOTS" and the other is "WINGS".

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Saturday 22 July 2017

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Women quote...

"A woman is like a tea bag- you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water."
                                                                                                            -Eleanor Roosevelt

Be Bold For Change>>>

International Women's Day>>>